The Man Shot for Improved Sexual Health

Are you looking for a drug-free, surgery-free procedure to improve your sexual health and well being?
1 in 2 adult males between the ages of 40 and 70 will encounter sexual changes they consider problematic. The good news is an innovative solution to male sexual dysfunction is now available in Northwest Indiana.
The Vein & Laser Institute now offers a safe and effective alternative to prescription drugs or painful surgical procedures that provides medical male enhancement lasting up to 2 years.
The Man Shot is a modern medical procedure designed to deliver lasting improvements in male sexual performance, especially to those who have lost function due to an enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, the after-effects of surgery, drug side effects, or other conditions, such as diabetes.
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Man Shot Consultation
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What is in the Man Shot?
The Man Shot is a cutting edge medical treatment designed to sexually rejuvenate and deliver lasting improvements in sexual performance in both healthy men and in those who have lost function due to:
- Aging
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol
- Injury to the penis
- Bent erections
- Spinal cord/disc injury or surgery
- Cancer treatments or surgeries for:
- prostate
- testicle
- bladder
- colo-rectal
- Radiation therapy for any of the above.
- Peripheral Vascular (artery or vein) Disease
- Peyronie’s Disease
- Drug side effects
The Man Shot procedure begins with a quick and easy blood draw. Then, using a proprietary technique, the growth factors of your platelet rich plasma are extracted from your blood sample and injected into two areas of the penis that are most important for the sexual response. These areas are numbed with a local anesthetic cream before injection, so you feel little or no discomfort during the procedure
The success of the Man Shot is in the platelet rich plasma, or PRP. PRP concentrates the healing and growth factors in your blood into an injectable treatment, improving blood flow to the penis.
How does the Man Shot work?
The plasma enriched growth factors (PRP) are injected into the parts of your penis most important to sexual arousal and erectile function. The resulting benefits typically include tissue growth that increases the length and girth of the penis, growth of new blood vessels and improved circulation, stronger erections, increased sensation and pleasure, and enhanced sexual performance. And, because the treatment uses the patient’s own enriched blood enriched plasma, it is non-allergenic and free of harmful side effects
Are there any side effects? Risks? Downtime?
The Man Shot is a simple in-office procedure. The most common side effects include temporary skin reactions such as redness, pain/tenderness, firmness, swelling, lumps/bumps, and bruising. On occasion, there is a temporary loss of erectile ability.
Will I need to see the doctor after the procedure?
A brief follow-up visit is generally recommended four weeks after your Man Shot procedure. Some men choose to have a second injection at this time, but that depends on their particular results and the opinion of their provider.
Who is a good candidate for the Man Shot?
Any man who is looking for increased sexual performance, male enhancement, or an improved sex life can benefit from the procedure. It is especially helpful for men who have lost erectile function due to prostate issues, Peyronie’s Disease treatment, side effects from prescription drugs, or other medical conditions such as hypertension or diabetes.
DO NOT SMOKE. Do not use illegal drugs, avoid excess alcohol and stay off aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs such as Nurofen® and Voltaren® for two weeks before and six weeks after treatment. If you supplement with omega-3 fatty acids (such as fish, krill, or flax seed oil), you should also stop them during the same period.
What is Peyronie’s Disease?
Fibrous scar tissue inside the penis causes curved, painful erections which can prevent you from having sex or might make it difficult to get or maintain an erection, which can cause stress and anxiety.
The most common signs and symptoms include:
- Scar tissue.
- A significant bend to the penis.
- Erection problems.
- Shortening of the penis.
- Pain.
Call today at 219-736-8118 to schedule a free consultation to see if the Man Shot is right for you.
Schedule a Complimentary Man Shot Consultation
Call (219) 736-8118 or fill out the online form below
By submitting this form you agree to be contacted via phone/text/email.